How to start well with Service Vouchers.

How to start well with Service Vouchers.

Register with Sodexo according to your region.
If you live in the region:
- Brussels:
- Wallonia:
- Flemish:
Click on ‘ Registration‘ and follow the steps for your registration.
More info on How to register for the Titres-Services system

Register with Sodexo according to your region.
If you live in the region:
- Brussels:
- Wallonia:
- Flemish:
Click on ‘ Registration‘ and follow the steps for your registration.
More info on How to register for the Titres-Services system

Register with Sodexo according to your region.
If you live in the region:
- Brussels:
- Wallonia:
- Flemish:
Click on ‘ Registration‘ and follow the steps for your registration.
More info on How to register for the Titres-Services system

Order your paper or electronic vouchers.
Depending on your preference, order your first service vouchers either in paper or electronic version..
This choice can be modified from your profile.

Order your paper or electronic vouchers.
Depending on your preference, order your first service vouchers either in paper or electronic version..
This choice can be modified from your profile.

Ask us for a housekeeper.
Contact us:
- Via our online form.
- By email (
- By phone (Our offices in the Brussels region)
We are at your disposal and adapt your request to your needs: preferred day, number of hours, etc.

Ask us for a housekeeper.
Contact us:
- Via our online form.
- By email (
- By phone (Our offices in the Brussels region)
We are at your disposal and adapt your request to your needs: preferred day, number of hours, etc.

To adjust the hours worked during the service:
- Electronic vouchers:
Nothing could be simplier, we encode the services for you.
So you will only have to validate them.
- Paper vouchers:
You give the housekeeper as many Service Vouchers as hours worked. (As a reminder: 1 hour = 1 title)

To adjust the hours worked during the service:
- Electronic vouchers:
Nothing could be simplier, we encode the services for you.
So you will only have to validate them.
- Paper vouchers:
You give the housekeeper as many Service Vouchers as hours worked. (As a reminder: 1 hour = 1 title)