Service vouchers in Schaerbeek
Looking for a cleaning lady or a household help in the municipality of Schaerbeek? Our Aaxe Titres-services agencies are there to find the person who will best meet your needs.
Aaxe Titres-services provides you with the services of a housekeeper or a trusted housekeeper at home. This one will ensure the cleaning of your house, the ironing of your linen, the preparation of meals and other small quality housework.
The service voucher system
Service vouchers give you access to the services of our cleaning ladies or home helpers at a lower cost. Indeed, a service voucher only costs you €9 for one hour of service and can be deducted for tax purposes. Thus, after tax reduction, it will only cost you €7.65 in the Brussels region, with a maximum of 163 deductible service vouchers.
Our housekeepers travel everywhere on the territory of the municipality of Schaerbeek for a minimum of 3 hours of home services.
Our service offer
All of our Aaxe Titres-services agencies offer you the services of a household help to carry out the following work:
– The complete cleaning of your home by a housekeeper previously trained by us
– Washing your windows
– Laundry and ironing of your laundry at home if you cannot drop it off at our ironing centers
– The preparation of simple meals at your home and local shopping
– Small sewing jobs
By calling on Aaxe Titres-services for your household help requests in Schaerbeek, you are guaranteed professional service thanks to quality, reliable staff supervised by our agency managers.
With Aaxe Titres-services, take advantage of your free time thanks to the trusted household helpers that we will find for you.